I am Marta Badia Marin, sharing in this website my learning, practice and passion for natural dyes. I loved the colours, depth and richness that you can obtain, and infinite range – they are mesmerising.
By profession Clinical Psychologist and also aspiring musician I have learned that allowing creativity into any kind of work has always proved a success.
Creativity unlocks and reveals – building meaning and helping us rebuild our sense of self – with confidence, an identity.
Natural dyeing offers many chance encounters built into its various stages. So the creativity becomes a conversation with nature and natural processes. It is at once so challenging, grounding and rewarding; and as my knowledge grows so do possibilities and rewards.
All this led me to start ‘Nature Dyes It’. I have found a way of integrating my work as a therapist with art, making sustainable fashion and a life that includes gardening, walking and exercising, exploring, finding, creating, letting go, and sometimes just waiting. It is fascinating finding out more about our local plants, which ones produce long-lasting colour, and what time of the year they yield their deepest saturations etc.
Understanding nature helps my understanding of human nature and our different colourful and complex emotions.
I have found great passion for the regular irregularity of the art and science in natural dyes. I love how nature can be expressed as its plant matter takes a new life on cloths, paper, stone, even my studio floor. The colourful imprints manifest gravity, density, flows, temperatures, and even things I may never understand.
Getting from natural plant to dyed fabric requires many processes: extraction, mordanting, folding, sewing, drawing, painting, pressing, curating, I have learnt from many traditions, from my crafty friends and students; and after all, practice makes perfect.
However, please be aware that ‘natural dyeing’ does not equate with safety; some plants or parts are toxic, and some traditional substances and usages involved in the dyeing processes are far from safe or sustainable in today’s world.
Our planet’s health is seriously endangered and I take care to ensure that my creative practice is informed by sustainable principles.
My taking on ‘textiles’ is not as random as it might appear.
My father owned a small textiles shop in Barcelona and my childhood is full of memories of patterns and smells, and the fabrics, warm or cool, itchy/sticky/peachy. I loved those large rolls of endless meters that my mum was to turn into lovely things to wear.
My mother comes from a long tradition of women in the business of sewing, tailoring and embroidery. They covered all angles and excelled at their work. She is still something of a magician when it comes to pattern making and cutting and, thanks to her, many wealthy lucky women were dressed up like goddesses. I saw such beautiful things.
My mum finds it hilarious that I now own my own sewing machine, and have started designing my own fabrics – she really never thought I’d have the inclination. She has been a great teacher and has shown me quite a few trick of the trade over the years.
To further the cause, I enjoy giving talks and organising workshops, and also sell some items in my Etsy shop. I am keen to share the beautiful things that nature dyes.
I also enjoy working on customised orders and design briefs; some fabric or yarns for your next crochet or knitting projects. Please drop me a line if you would like to discuss a customised order.
If you are interested in finding out more about my work as a psychologist, you can also find me in LinkedIn. With the joys of new technologies we can be anywhere in the planet and still meet.