Welcome to Nature Dyes It

Understanding nature

Passionate for the regular irregularity of the art and science in natural dyes.

Shifting colours reveal intricacies in chemistry, flows, and temperature. There is so much to learn and knowledge to share.

I am keen to share some colourful imprints in my gallery.

My Etsy Shop

The items for sale have been dyed using the zero to low carbon sources of my own garden, local parks and generous neighbours’ gardens, along with natural extracts from reputable and sustainable sources. All fabrics and fibres are 100% natural e.g. silk, wool, cotton and linen.

In Etsy I have some items for sale, but if you would like to discuss a customised order please drop me a line.


This website is set up to share my learning with you. In this section you will find instructions on a range of topics about dyeing, plants, and some of the artists and books providing further inspiration.

This section will be updated regularly with my latest practice, research, experiments, accidents, and serendipitously marvellous outcomes.

About me

I am Marta Badia Marin, let me tell you a little bit about myself and Nature Dyes It. 

It all started in 2012 in my new garden studio in Walthamstow…